We are truly a full service landscape maintenance company. We specialize in doing the types of jobs that you don't like to do. Like weeding and applying mulch. Or, cutting edges around newly created landscape beds.
Let's face it, most of these jobs are just plain hard. They require a strong back and dirty hands. We're perfectly suited to help get the tough jobs done, so that you can relax and enjoy your beautiful landscaping.
Or, for the do-it-yourselfer, we'll work right along with you. Let us dig the holes while you install the plants. For the true pioneer, we'll swing by and haul away debris after you've finished your projects. No job is too small for us. We'll be happy to assist you in any way we can.
Take a look at the landscaping services we offer. Click on one of the icons listed here for more details. If you don't see what you're looking for, give us a call. We specialize in providing unique outdoor services that will assist your individual needs. Remember, we can help you with the entire job or any portion of your project.
Also, please feel free to take a look at past copies of our newsletters. We write them ourselves. Contact us to sign up for your free monthly copy of our newsletter. They provide seasonal information, relevant to the Eastern Shore.